Auntie M’s Flowers

This story begins with a lady just wanting some flowers to bring in to brighten up her home, turned quickly into a full-blown passion. Auntie M’s Flowers came from Michelle (aka Auntie M), the owner, wanting to simply grow some flowers for herself and a few friends for special occasions. It has been slowly growing and expanding to more and more flowers being put in the garden and more and more friends wanting some bouquets. It is now a flourishing small business with that same passion and charm of just wanting to grow some flowers for friends, and now those friends might be people we have not yet met.

Auntie M’s Flowers is a large garden or small flower farm, depending on how you want to look at it. It is located in Bellingham, Washington. Providing individual bouquets, flower CSA memberships, and a variety of wedding work. Auntie M’s Flowers is dedicated to being local and using sustainable and environmentally friendly practices whenever possible. There are many benefits to the Earth, our community, and you, the client. In keeping it local, sustainable, and environmentally friendly, we not only benefit the environment, the local economy, but it also helps to ensure you are receiving the healthiest and freshest product. Auntie M’s Flowers only uses the highest quality ingredients to create beautiful, lush, and seasonal arrangements.

In addition, Auntie M’s Flowers is in collaboration with many other local businesses and has regular events for the public during the growing season. Sign up for the mailing list to continue to get the inside track on these upcoming events. Merchandise is also something offered here at Auntie M’s Flowers. Again, working with another amazing local company, Liet, to do our silk printing and some design work. Order some of our one of a kind merchandise today. Learn more about the logo by going to the link, “The Logo”. Look great around town and support your local businesses in one.

Auntie M’s Flowers believes above all else that taking care of each other on this Earth is the most important work. Gifting bouquets is one way to show someone that you see them and care. With this sentiment in mind, Auntie M’s Flowers uses the “growing love together" line. Because, together, we can grow love for each other and have a positive impact on making our world kinder and more compassionate place. So, let’s

grow love together!