For a limited time, we will be offering Winter wreaths!

Individual Bouquets

Luxury Bouquet


Enchanting Bouquet


Hand-tied Pickup Bouquet


CSA Memberships

Auntie M’s Flowers’ CSA Memberships are partnerships. CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. This partnership supports the grower; with upfront growing and production costs. In turn, CSA members receive weekly bouquets of homegrown, seasonal, high-quality ingredients each week of the membership. The value of the bouquet each week is much greater than if you bought the arrangements individually. It is a lovely collaboration where all involved benefit.

There are 3 different options to choose from: Spring, Mid-Season, and late Summer. Auntie M’s Flowers loves work with members to cater to your likes in color palettes and individual flowers. Pickups and deliveries are arranged in collaboration. You may choose to purchase for yourself or for someone special.

Please reach out if you have any questions or would like more information. Auntie M’s Flowers is looking forward to working with you to provide a special and beautiful experience!


These bouquets typically begin in April at a time when we all could use a little more life and color in our lives. This membership provides you with 5 weeks of seasonal spring flowers. Bouquets commonly contain specialty tulips and daffodils, along with other ingredients that are looking great in the garden at the time.


These bouquets typically begin in mid-June and contain some of the growing season’s favorites. This membership provides you with 4 weeks of seasonal spring flowers. Bouquets commonly contain peonies, sweet peas, snapdragons, lilies, sunflowers, and roses, along with other ingredients that are looking great in the garden at the time.

Late Summer

These bouquets typically begin in early August and often contain the ever-popular dahlia. This membership provides you with 7 weeks of seasonal later summer flowers. Bouquets commonly contain rudbeckias, dahlias, sunflowers, zinnias, and snapdragons, along with other ingredients that are looking great in the garden at the time. These are some of Auntie M’s favorite combinations, due to the textures and variety of colors.