Luxury Bouquet
This is Auntie M’s Flowers most luxurious arrangement created with local, fresh, and seasonal ingredients. All arrangements will be placed in a glass vessel to keep everything fresh and healthy, while also adding to the arrangements elevated look. A great selection for those special occasions.
Please note that all arrangements require at least 48 hours notice.
If you would like a specific color or flower, please add to notes and whenever possible we will fulfill these requests.
This is Auntie M’s Flowers most luxurious arrangement created with local, fresh, and seasonal ingredients. All arrangements will be placed in a glass vessel to keep everything fresh and healthy, while also adding to the arrangements elevated look. A great selection for those special occasions.
Please note that all arrangements require at least 48 hours notice.
If you would like a specific color or flower, please add to notes and whenever possible we will fulfill these requests.
This is Auntie M’s Flowers most luxurious arrangement created with local, fresh, and seasonal ingredients. All arrangements will be placed in a glass vessel to keep everything fresh and healthy, while also adding to the arrangements elevated look. A great selection for those special occasions.
Please note that all arrangements require at least 48 hours notice.
If you would like a specific color or flower, please add to notes and whenever possible we will fulfill these requests.